Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

Essentials For Falling Hair

Does your hair fall often Arm yourself with these tools to combat hair fall.

Wide-toothed comb

Get yourself a wide-toothed comb. This is probably one of the most important yet underutilized of all hair tools. A wide-toothed comb helps you distribute conditioner evenly all over your hair while shampooing and conditioning. In addition, it also helps get rid of knots smoothly.

The best time to get rid of knots is during conditioning. Apply conditioner and run a wide toothed comb gently through your hair.

While untangling dry hair, do so in sections. Take one section at a time, and first, untangle the ends of your hair. Do so slowly, and don't pull unless you want your hair to fall out in clumps or break.

Don't wait for the last minute before detangling your hair. Every night, while sitting in front of the television, run a wide toothed comb gently through your hair, until you have untangled it completely. Do this every night, and you will notice that your hair remains free from tangles.

Leave-in conditioner
Dry hair tends to tangle easily, and, needless to say, causes it to break. Make sure your hair is never devoid of moisture by always keeping a bottle of leave-in conditioner handy. The next time you feel your hair is dry and rough to the touch, simply rub a dollop of leave-in conditioner between your palms, and apply it to your hair. Comb through with your wide toothed comb. Your hair will be instantly rejuvenated and moisturized. Gradually, the texture will also improve. This is a must if you blow dry your hair regularly, or if it is chemically treated. Such hair constantly craves moisture, so get yourself a bottle of leave-in conditioner.

Olive, almond and coconut oils are all excellent for the hair. While you could apply oil as an alternative to leave-in conditioner, oil tends to make your hair sticky, and you cannot style your hair well after applying oil. Your only alternative would then be to tie up your hair. For better results with oil, apply just a few drops immediately after washing your hair, when your hair is still dripping wet. Oil doesn't penetrate the strands as easily as leave-in conditioner does though. Nothing beats a hot oil massage followed by a steam treatment, as the steam helps the oil penetrate the hair strands, strengthening them and curtailing hair fall.

Egg is great for the hair - there are no two ways about it! True, it causes a tremendous stink in the bathroom, and your hair may let off an 'eggy' smell, but the results are instantaneous and worth it! Egg strengthens your hair almost immediately, and the egg yolk leaves your hair shining. Whip an egg with two tablespoons of olive oil and apply it to your hair. Wash off after half an hour. Make sure you wash off with cold water though, or the egg will start cooking in your hair, and would be harder to take off! Use a scented shampoo to counter the smell of egg in your hair, and follow up with a leave-in conditioner. Do this for a month, and you will be amazed by the change in your hair texture and the reduction in hair fall.


1. Brushing Up

Make body brushing a part of your daily routine. Scrubbing out dirt and grime is the least of its advantages. Body brushing tones and stimulates skin, helping with the natural drainage of the lymph glands. It also helps combat cellulite. When brushing, work towards the heart, up from your legs and thighs, and down from your neck. Oh, and remember, skin should be dry while body-brushing, so make sure you have a soft brush - you don't want abrasions that are hard to explain!

2. Banana Rama

For a great homemade face softener, try this: mash a banana and apply it to your face. Leave on for ten minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. Your face feels like satin. Plus, it puts those over ripe gooey bananas to good use!

3. Pearly White

Ever looked in the mirror and felt that your teeth were going from white to off-white to yellow? Take a hard look at your habits. The biggest culprits in the teeth-yellowing process are tobacco, coffee, tea and red wine. So if you must indulge, brush your teeth afterwards whenever possible, or at least rinse with water.

4. Shades Of Summer

A snazzy pair of sunglasses not only looks great, but also delays the onset of crow's feet (wrinkles on the sides of the eyes) which are accelerated by squinting in the sun.

5. Peaches And Cream

Great looks come with great skin, so get crackin' on that epidermis. Dirt and oil blocks pores causing blackheads and pimples, while dirt, grime and pollutants are drawn to oily skin like moths to a flame. So wash your face as often as possible, and cleanse at least twice a day.

6. Instant Glow

So you've just reached home after a nerve-wrecking day at the office and have to leave immediately for a dinner party thrown by your husband's most revered business client. How to get that glow in a flash? You could cheat and layer on the blusher, but a better option would be to try this: simply mix equal amounts of lemon and honey, apply it to your face and wash off after ten minutes.

7. Luscious Locks

Nothing improves the quality of your hair better than getting a regular oil massage. Get it done at home once a week if you have a husband or mother-in-law that dotes on you, or visit your neighbourhood parlour.

8. All Steamed Up

After applying oil wrap your hair in a steaming towel for twenty minutes. Give your hair this steaming treatment at least once a month. Steaming hair after applying oil helps it soak deeper into the follicles.

9. Fun In The Sun

The sun's warmth may make you feel good but it's ultraviolet rays over time cause at best, dry wrinkly skin and at worst, skin cancer. Don't step out without loading on that sunscreen. In the summers, avoid stepping out between 12:00 to 2:00 when the sun is at its peak.

10. Water, Water Everywhere

You can never drink too much water. It flushes out your toxins and is great for the skin, liver and just about every conceivable body organ! It keeps you cool and feeling fresh, reduces dehydration and rejuvenates your body cells. Drink at least ten glasses of water in a day. Bottoms up!

Lips & Lipstick Tips

Quick Tips for Your Lips And Lipstick

* To stop lipstick from bleeding, apply a lipliner, or use foundation over the lips first.
* If you have big lips, apply muted colours like purples, browns and bronzes.
* If you have small lips, avoid dark colours to look attractive.
* Professionals will always prefer to use a brush for lipstick application. Brushes normally let you to use much less lipstick.

The colors that go well with you are:

* Light blondes can make use of wines, berry's and mauves. They moreover suit cappuccino colours.
* Golden blondes must use corals, apricots or peachy hues.
* Blondes with olive skin tones are the most excellent suited to warm peaches, browns or terracotta's.
* Brunettes suit terracottas, cinnamon's and brown colored reds.
* Red heads can use warm terracotta colours, cinnamon's and peachy browns.

Lip Care

* You can mix one-tablespoon cranberry sauce juice with two tablespoons Vaseline for a delicious home made lip balm.
* Apply the juice of lemon skin for avoiding black colour of lips.
* Massage your lips with coriander leaf juice for soft and rosy lips.

Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Perut Impian Wanita

Anda ingin tampil percaya diri dengan bikini di kolam renang? Jika demikian, perut ramping menjadi sebuah kebutuhan. Apa yang harus dilakukan?

  1. Hindari avokad, acar, keju, dan polong-polongan. Karena, makanan tersebut akan melepas gas dalam tubuh saat dicerna dan membuat perut kembung.
  2. Jauhi minuman bersoda, produk olahan susu, dan makanan tinggi garam.
  3. Kalau setelah makan, perut terasa kembung, kurangi makanan yang mengandung gluten, seperti roti dan pasta. Dalam makanan tersebut, gluten berperan sebagai bahan pengembang dan membuat perut ’bengkak’.
  4. Lakukan crunch 50 kali tiap hari. Gerakan yang tepat: duduklah di lantai dengan kaki lurus ke depan dan tangan di samping. Lalu, tekuk lutut sekitar 90 derajat, telapak kaki di lantai. Kemudian, angkat bahu, hingga otot perut juga tertarik. Usahakan bokong tidak meninggalkan lantai.


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