Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

Sticky and Root Vegetables for Good Skin

The hype began way back when a reporter heard and subsequently investigated claim that a certain Japanese town had people who were aged 50 or more but with skin of people half their age. She was dumbfounded by the fact these people not only had better skin, but lived better and longer, staying active well into their long lives. What made them last longer on this earth, a good and healthy diet of root crops such as potatoes some of which were natural in their area and a hefty dose of sticky vegetables and by-products such as soy and tofu.
These people had a hefty load of hyaluronic acid in their bodies that gave light to the age defying compound and was quickly grabbed by the many cosmetics manufacturers as one of the best anti-aging agents around. Their lifestyles defined their health and with clean air, natural water from deep within the earth and food untouched by pesticides and other man-made compounds, they continue to defy age with their youthful glow and active lifestyles. Compared to Westerners, they were twice the age of people restricted to homes where they lied in bed waiting for the inevitable. The world has changed a lot ever since man learned how to make the world a better place through new technology and some of the best scientific discoveries of all time at our side.

Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

How to Get Strong, Sexy Legs Like Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston has one of the best bodies in Hollywood, and she works hard at it by doing Yoga and Pilates. Jen’s Yoga trainer Mandy Ingber shares some leg shaping techniques that Jen has used.

1. Tone your legs with 30-60 minutes of cardio 3 times a week. Mandy suggests running, cycling or walking.

2. Strengthen your thighs with the temple pose, a yoga squat, hold for 30 seconds and then do 8 mini squat thrusts.

3. Tone your calves by lifting yourself on your tippy toes 8 times, followed by 8 moe quickie pulses.

To keep the skin on your legs smooth and silky scrub once a week with an exfoliator before shaving.

For tan, shiny legs like Jen has on the red carpet use a self tanner once a week and apply a shimmer lotion to the front of you legs to lengthen and slim legs and highlight definition.

Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

Few Habits for Beauty Sleep and Deep Sleep

Having good deep sleep for at least 8 hours in day is must for everybody to keep the skin glowing and body fit. One can hide the flaws of the skin by make up but good deep sleep is something which naturally keeps your skin beautiful, keeps dark circles at bay and keep even your concentration level high. Its not just skin which gets affected without proper sleep but also entire body and mind get effected and function slowly with lack of sleep. If you don't get proper sleep by not getting sufficient time to sleep, try to complete your sleep in small naps. If the problem has increased to the level of insomnia then its better to consult a doctor. Some people start having sleeping pills, which are very bad for health and have many side effects. One should take them only if there is any reason and the physician prescribes them. Consuming sleeping pills for a longer period damages a person's control over mind and body and one gets addicted to them. One can try the tried and tested natural methods to get a peaceful sleep. It can be guesses that you require sleep by seeing your skin only. Today's lifestyle doesn't permit many of us to get an 8 hour peaceful beauty sleep so whatever time you get, you should try to get the most peaceful sleep out of it so that your skin doesn't get older soon, you don't get dark circles around your eyes and your body and mind could function well.

What should be done to get good perfect body sleep-here are few habits, which can help you, get peaceful deep sleep in the night.

  • Keep the room temperature cool or warm depending on the weather.
  • Play light soothing music, which can help you in getting sleep if you suffer from sleep disorder.
  • Wear loose comfortable clothes.
  • Do not drink alcohol, tea or coffee at least 2-3 hours before your bedtime. It can affect your sleep badly if you consume any of such drink or beverage before going to bed even 2 hours before that.
  • If you don't get sleep easily, make it a habit to read a book or something, which makes you sleepy. Some people easily get sleep while watching television. It seems funny but if it helps you, you can give it a try. 
  • Make your body tired, get massage, which helps you to get deep sleep.
  • Take hot shower, which relaxes the body and will give you peaceful sleep soon.
  • Drinking hot milk with a teaspoon of honey added to it is an old remedy and is quite helpful for a good sleep.
  • Always make it a point to go the bed at a same time. Soon you will start feeling sleepy at the same time.
  • Keep the lights of the room dim. Bright lights disturb the sleep.
  • Some medication tricks help in sleeping. You can learn them and give them a try. Some breathing exercises too help in getting good sleep. 
  • In yoga here is a tip, which might help many of you in giving sleep. Press both your hands first finger tip with the tip of the thumb, while lying down comfortably on the bed and closing your eyes.
  • Start taking 10-15 minutes walk after your dinner and then go to bed. Tired body gets deep sleep.
  • Use soft cushions and comfortable bed for a comfortable sleep. At times even a non-comfortable bed or pillows disturb in sleep.
  • Wear ear buds if any noise in the house or room disturbs you.
  • Keep your muscles and body relaxed on the bed. 
  • Try to keep yourself involved in something as reading or listening music if you get disturbed with all negative thoughts coming to your mind in your sleep.
  • Wear eye pads if light comes to your room, which disturbs your sleep.
  • Keep switches near your bed so that you don't have to get up again and again to switch on and switch off the lights, fan or air conditioner.
  • Prepare your bed and room temperature ready, lights dimmed and music on before you enter your room to sleep. Right atmosphere will make you ready to sleep soon.

So if you try any of the methods, you can definitely get help you your sleep is disturbed any of the reasons. But if the problem is serious and cannot be sorted out by any of such things or you suffer from severe insomnia that its time to go to a doctor for medical help. If you get disturbed by some past haunting memories or negative thoughts then go to a psychologist's help because sleeping peacefully for 7-8 hours is essential not only for your beauty but also for your mind and body.

Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

Facial Exercise and its Wonders

Exercise is a proven and effective way to keep the body healthy and young looking. It makes the muscles strong, firm and resilient, which has a very good effect on skin health. Our face is also made up of muscles. And yes, we can work them out, too.

Facial exercise redefines the cheekbones and jaw lines. The sagging skin around the neck and under the eyes can look better after weeks of exercise. The nose becomes more fine-looking and the lips, fuller. All these can be achieved with determination and discipline.

According to studies, as one moves frequently, at least 15 hours a day, will put all the fifty-seven muscles in the face work. As tensions and stress are absorbed by the face, these tensed facial muscles will inhibit the flow and circulation of the blood. This is where one would find the facial exercise helpful as it will increase blood circulation to the face. It will permit more oxygen and nutrients to reach the cells whisking the old and damaged ones. The ability of the skin to absorb moisture is then increased which gives one a healthy and cleaner skin.

There a many benefits that exercise can bring. It firms up one's body and skin and increases energy level thus improves working condition. This also holds true to the muscles in the face. When one does the facial exercise, firming results would be faster since these are based on muscle resistance training.

Like any other procedures, there are also things that are to be considered when on implements a daily facial exercise plan. It is advised that scrubbing the face too strenuously must be avoided. A downward scrubbing motion is preferred during facial cleansing. It is also strongly discouraged to lean on one's chin or cheek on the hand, sipping the beverage from straw and squinting one's eyes. These factors may delay promising results.

Nature has its own course of determining the signs of aging. But no matter how developed these lines are, it is still possible to get rid of them. Facial exercises designed to suit one's need may deprive one of the frustrations and disappointments from results of expensive and complicated facial treatments. Looking good and young is not easy especially when one grows in age. But the application of the right facial exercise can somewhat delay the process and make one appreciate beauty.
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