Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

How to Get Strong, Sexy Legs Like Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston has one of the best bodies in Hollywood, and she works hard at it by doing Yoga and Pilates. Jen’s Yoga trainer Mandy Ingber shares some leg shaping techniques that Jen has used.

1. Tone your legs with 30-60 minutes of cardio 3 times a week. Mandy suggests running, cycling or walking.

2. Strengthen your thighs with the temple pose, a yoga squat, hold for 30 seconds and then do 8 mini squat thrusts.

3. Tone your calves by lifting yourself on your tippy toes 8 times, followed by 8 moe quickie pulses.

To keep the skin on your legs smooth and silky scrub once a week with an exfoliator before shaving.

For tan, shiny legs like Jen has on the red carpet use a self tanner once a week and apply a shimmer lotion to the front of you legs to lengthen and slim legs and highlight definition.

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